Thursday, December 4, 2008

Rail Fences and Home

Thursday seems like such an ordinary day. There is grey sky, with the promise or threat depending on how you view such weather, of snow to come.
Sometimes the breeze waves the boughs of the trees. The rail fences look old and grey and wet. The cow hide hangs stiffly with little snow on it. The river freezes more and more as the hours pass by. What to do on a day where the power goes out with no previous warning early in the morning? It is a constant problem here where logging equipment encounters power lines and somehow they just don't seem to want to get along all that well together.
Deer roast is now in the electric stove's oven with the electricity back on just in time to make some supper. Smells of the cooking meat fill the home. The warmth of the wood heaters wrap around us. Keeping us cozy. At least we can be warm even on these colder days with or without the hydro.
Puppies play, packing firewood all over the kitchen which is one of their favourite games. They love to stand and bark at the big old cats that sit and stare at them from the freezer too. The older dogs laze around. Everyone has been in and out numerous times.
The knitting has been put down for a bit so that I can write on this blog telling the world about a life at the end of the grid. We have spent so much of our lives "off grid" and am so thankful for electricity and running water. It is so nice to not have to pack water up from a creek to heat on the wood or propane stove to pour in a tub for numerous children and adults and then bathe and have to pack it all out again. So much easier to do laundry ~~I love this life. To me it is the simple life! Not so much hard labour. Although the hard labour is still there it just doesn't include packing untold numbers of five gallon buckets of water to the house and to animals and to the wash tub for laundry.
For once in my life I can focus on a few other things. Not sure I accomplish anymore than I use to.
The children are grown now and the last one has left home a year ago. Is our life "empty?" Is it lonely? Is it boring? ~~I can give you one big answer to that ~~NO!!~~ we have so much to do that I often wonder how we got so much done when all the children were home and there was homeschooling and chores to tend to and children of all ages to attend to.
The day has not been the most exciting day in our lives nor the most energetic day so to speak. Things have been completed and new things started.There is always something to do.If one was a puppy one would be out there tossing horse buns in the air too and thinking it was great fun.
The rail fences are blending in with the day just sort of nondescript but there. Standing steadfastly quietly making their statement for all those who can understand it.
It all makes me think of a little poem I read some years ago~~
The way we live our lives each day
Makes up our eulogy:
So ask yourself, "When I pass on,
What will be said of me?" --Sper

Praise the LORD!
Praise the LORD, O my soul!
While I live I will praise the LORD;
I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.
Psalm 146:1-2
Living an "ordinary" life is what is here old rail fences and smells of venison roast May your day be a great "ordinary" day too

1 comment:

Lisa said...

What an extraordinary life ya'll have!