Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Creating the Day's Work

The bedroom window was open all night as it is most nights. The cats comfortably sit in the window or come and go as they please all through the night. This night the window sill filled with snow and the floor on my side of the bed and my night stand too was covered with the wet stuff. I managed to close the window somewhat without clearing all the snow off. didn't want to wake up my husband.
I have had a couple of cups of tea now and put the pups out for a little run. They are fine outside together in the darkness of the morning but through the day they go out one at a time. If they are all together they get running, playing and run out onto the river ice. Losing one to river ice is bad enough so we only let them out together in the dark as they do not go far from the house in the dark as yet. We have sold another pup and potentially sold another one and then we just will have two left of the fifteen. Praise the LORD!! One our youngest son is keeping and one my husband really likes and is keeping. I like her too she is so smart. And pretty.
I really wonder if I should even have a blog but it is fun to write down my head's thoughts and ponderings. I have read a few blogs and oh my gosh am I ever bushed~~! I am still learning how to copy and paste actually I have not learned it yet but am determined to figure that out. Fun or craziness I do not know.
Creating the day's work list has me prioritizing ~~baking more and more bread and buns for the community's craft and bake sale on the weekend is first priority. The sewing and knitting and everyday has its cleaning to do too.
Last night Dennis herded one of the bulls we have been waiting to come in from the rangeinto a corral. He is happily eating hay. Got a little hungry out there. Maybe he will rmember the way home next season. Hubert had seen it and a cow ~~where is the cow? Maybe she will come in yet. Most of the herd is in now and at the main ranch. Our part of the ranch is only 320 acres. the main ranch is over 1000 acres. But the cattle range at our end. They winter at the other ranch.
Prepaing for a busy day ahead I am reminded of God's Word~~
You also be patient.
Establish your hearts,
for the coming of the
LORD is at hand.
James 5:8
Working and Praying that the day is a blessing for all

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