Wednesday, December 31, 2008

December 31st,2008

Being as it is the last day of 2008 I have been reflecting on the past year and wondering what I could write about?! Do I write about the blessings of the year or the harsh realities that came upon us or those we love? Is the weather or our pets something of interest? The summer being a cold one even for this country~~the pets with their babies being a prolific bunch~~I could write about the garden a daughter-in-law and I built or the shelter we built and lived in for the summer. I could write about this ranch we are living on and care-taking. There is so much rich history I could go on about that forever. Wild life yes, I could write about that and just nature. There is plenty of that around me to write about. The grandchildren there is something just about everyone wants to write about~~well actually more like brag about~~ but hey we have twelve of them to brag about so I could brag for quite awhile. Our own children and their trials and tribulationsblessings that is another subject I could write about for a good amount of time too. My homemaking skills or lack thereof even after all these years I am still learning, stretching, growing ~~maturing! My husband, I could tell you about how we have been together since I was 17 and he 19 and now we are in our 50's and how we have been doing this year that is about to come to an end. I could tell you about the rodeo accidents a couple of our sons have had this year. One having a bull stick him with its horn under his vest just below his heart. Another one who had his head stomped on by a bull breaking his face and ripping his ear off(All back together now) I could tell you about tragic accidents and tragic lives. Oh my there is so much to look over in 2008. and looking forward to 2009 I think of the year to come. I could probably give you all kinds of "sound" advice. But you know what there is one psalm that comes back to my mind~~memeorized since a child and most people know~~

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:He leadeth me beside still waters.
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk in through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
Psalm 23

The LORD is with you throughout the year to come.
Peace Love Joy

Monday, December 29, 2008

Praises for Monday

To many Monday brings a feeling bordering on dread. I can not say I blame those who have to fight traffic, plow through rude people, travel on buses, to a job they can hardly bear~~ I am so sorry they have to go through this~~
at our home Mondays bring joy just as much as Fridays or Sundays. There are chores to do and weather to contend with ~~there are challenges pleasant and not so pleasant. Friends that go out of their way to drop by and say hello. I wish that all could enjoy Mondays too.
The dogs and bunnies got their treats I m
ade them yesterday. Everyone loved them so that is encouraging. although I would like to make a different experimental biscuit next time (tomorrow) for the dogs. I have somethng in mind that will be like a baby's teething cookie but not quite so messy. Like store bought treats but made at home so the thinking and experimenting go on. In the meantime the dogs are quite more than willing to gobble up what I do make and even if I consider them a failure you would have a hard time convincing the dogs.
With the company and a good book to read I have to admit that I allowed myself to be distracted from the things I was going to do today. Like finish that last
little toque and some of the sewing projects so that I can get back at hand embroidery and beadwork. I love to do loom beading. But I love admiring all kinds of beading. One could never tire of the many different types of beading and things to bead. and the beads themselves are fascinating. There is something that comes out of ones heart and grows like a painting when beading a hatband or belt or strap of one sort or another. I like to bead on clothing too but haven't done that for awhile. I will soon do some of it though.
The sump pump is about ready to be put in the water in the basement. It will be a lot easier to keep the fire going in the wood heater down there when one does not have to wade to the heater. Not to good that.
No wolf seen again these last couple days so am hoping he was just passing
through and not casing the place. It is a cold winter and the wolf packs in the area are quite big. They have killed a few head of cattle now. Not on our ranch but another ranch a ways from here. Not too good. Wolves are pretty awesome animals but when they are affecting your livlihood well that is another story. We really don't want them hanging around. No matter how awesome they are its better they are awesome out there somewhere not right here at ones home.
The evening is wearing on now and my bed is calling out my name so think I will go answer it.

Sing psalms to Him,
talk of all His wondrous works!
1 Chronicles 16:9


Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Bunnies

Digging my way into the bunny house, which is actually the neglected greenhouse, I found all three of them happy and content but thirsty. As usual there water dish is frozen but I have their water in a rubber dish so I can take a big hammer and smash the ice and refill it with warm water.
The door was snowed in again so I really dug out a path in hopes that it will last for a couple of days. If the wind does not start up I should see my hopes to fruition.

The three got a pet and looked for their carrots and the crackers I gave them. They just love to chew up crackers. I am thinking I will make them some crackers today as it gives them something to chew on these long nights and short days.
Went over and got an arm load of hay for them
even though they still had hay. The thought is that they can make beds out of it if they don't want to eat it. Making nests really keeps them occupied.
The one cow was not into me being in the "cowyard" she put her head down and thought to chase me off. Good ol' Pepsi dog wasn't going to have anything to do with that. My Nellie dog ran off a distance ~~she hasn't had them turn on her before so she wasn't much help. I will have to call her the wannabe cow dog or some other such name. She is young yet so there is still hope.
The weather is a lot milder than it has been. Makes being outside a little easier.
This morning I was looking up something (can't remember what now) and got off on a rabbit trail so to speak and found a thing on snowflakes. On National Geographic They have some very cool photos of snow chrystals. Amazing
! I love the coloured ones.
When I was younger ~~much younger I used to always cut out paper snowflakes. Our one daughter was always decorating her room in paper snowflakes. You would think she was working on her homeschool work and go check on her and there she be~~happy as a pig in a mud puddle with scraps of paper all over the room and piles of snowflakes and very little schooling done.
She did grow up and she does know alot of stuff and can read, write and do arithmetic too. She even graduated LOL!
We were suppose to be getting company today but they phoned and are very sick. That is not too good for them but now I have a big pot of spaghetti sauce in the slow cooker and only three of us to ea
t it. I can always frreze the leftovers so not too worry.
The birds seem to have found the feeders and suet again. SWEET! I love having them around ~~unfortunately no Stellers J
ays too bad. They are so fun to watch. Kind of bossy but they are still alot of fun.
In the meantime I will do some more sewing a
nd baking of some sort. You never know just what may happen or just who may show up unannounced.

Let the words of my mouth
and the meditations of my heart

Be acceptable in Your sight,
O LORD, my strength and my redeemer.

Making bunny biscuits and hoping your day isn't hopping around from one thing to another ~~maybe a nice warm cozy nest for you would be lovely and a cup of carrot juice.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Fat Fluffy Flakes, Santa's Phone#,~~All is Calm

Johnny Cash sings in the background his Silent Night ~~fat fluffy flakes fall floating freely landing on the woodpiles, the truck, the cattle and horses even the puppies come in with the white fluffy stuff. Christmas Eve comes in on this silent evening and the ancient carol goes through my head~~Silent Night Holy Night all surely is calm and the snow bright even in the dark of the evening.
Candles big and small throw their amber light on the hand hewn log walls.This old pioneer house lends itself to the old timey Christmas. You can feel the spirit striving for the Christmases pas
t~~Wrangling cowboys smoking the smokes with the long ashes, stoking the fire, passing the bottle around and thinking of Christmases when they were boys running in the snow, feeding corraled wild horses and stoking their Christmas fires, their mother's cooking and their father's rough ways, but the night glows on and the present Christmas fire is cozy too. The talk of women they knew and horses and dogs. Oh yes they are all a story to them on this quiet night. Then someone tells of going to church and how they would go as a family and the others did too. Life moved in on them since that time and now that church experience is just a warm memory or to some of them a not so warm memory. Cruel priests are their memory. Cold nights and cold porridge fed to them three times a day. A shake of the head and another round of the bottle and some laughter. A starry night as one wanders out of doors in search of the little house with the moon in the door. Its a bright and chilly night and the cowboy sings to himself "Silent Night Holy Night All is Calm All is Bright~~

Praise the LORD!
For it is good to sing praises to our God;
For it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful.
Psalm 147:1

Christmas Eve and its own special reflections touch my heart and spirit Praying that for you too it is a special day Roxanne

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Good Morning to You

Sitting here sipping my morning cup of tea before the day really gets going~~The temperature is still close to minus 40 this morning so I already know that the first part of daylight will be packing water to the cows, bull and horses not to forget the rabbits in the greenhouse. They are loving the greenhouse and have deep tunnels they carry their hay into. It keeps them busy and warm all at the same time. The three bunnies are all old bunnies now. I wasn't even sure they would live the winter but so far they are just thriving away. Coming to meet me at the door when I go in to feed them and give them water and hay.
I actually love th
e cold cold. It is just that it is like a big storm or something like that where man kind can not control it ~~an awesome act of God~~and yes it is dangerous and challenging. . It is hard on the animals too and the woodpile. Vehicles grueling away trying to keep running. The air you breathe is so cold that you should not move too fast ~~like running~~for those of you who do not know this kind of weather ~~~running for not very long could freeze your lungs. It is not too bad if there is no breeze or wind. Exposed skin gets prickling pretty fast but you add wind and well you just don't need a face anyhow. Right? Oil freezes up actually it gets too thick to pour. The dogs' footpads get cold and hard and crack if out too long. On and on the list goes with frozen pipes, getting stuck in the cold, hungry wolves coming in and killing cattle, fashions become nonexistent for the most part as one does not care how stylin' they are. Warmth and protection are the order of the day.
Yet even with all this I have this love for the cold cold with it s ice crystals floating in the air and its beautiful sunshine. The bluish snow. The incredible silence. The sound o
f the breeze that whooooooose across the snow lifting dry snow crystals and
sweeping it along to land against things.
It is not my pleasure to work out in it for long though so I think you could easily label me a fickle lover. Frozen toes and fingers and face hurt!
In all this cold we have the river just outside our kitchen window or dining room window (it is all one room) but on the table side ~~frozen the little island is covered in big ice chunks. The river is so jammed up with ice and now it is forcing the water table to rise and come in the dirt floor of our dug out basement. The floor is getting more and more water in it everyday as it slowly seeps in. Anyways the pretty winter scene is a better thing to concentrate on for now ~~~
One of the nicest things about the cold cold is being inside a warm warm cozy home. With fires crackling and the smells of cooking wafting through the air. One really appreciates one's home in the temperatures we have been having. Maybe that is one of the things I love the most about the deep cold is the home hearth
so to speak.
I have lots to do inside today as I finish up the things I have been making. There is also some baking awaiting me and cleaning to do.
I have made such a mess of my sewing area looking for that just right piece of fabric so think I should try to put the mountains of fabric scraps back into their bins in some kind of organized manner.
There is always something to do so being bored is more of a choice one makes rather than actually not having something to do. I need to find a source of Buffalo Wool to for my next years projects. I have found some sites for Buffalo Wool on the internet but need to concentrate on that soon probably after the Christmas season. I want to knit some Cowichan sweaters. I love them and one use to be able to buy the wool anywhere but now one can hardly find wool anywhere. When one does you have to sell the ranch to buy it. Unreal!! Old knitting patterns just took it for granted you would always have the wool available. ~~
Thinking of Christmas and Christmas things occupies my thoughts at present ~~and although I do have a love for winter and the cold that comes with it ~~I do pray and hope it will break for a few days at least by Christmas so that our "children" and their families can safely leave their homes to come out and visit.
For the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me,
and have believed that I came forth from God. John 16:27

With the temperatures and the weather as it is I pray that all can still do what needs doing and your day is still a blessing in His sight.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Saturday and it Even Colder

The frost reaches the doorknob on the inside of the door
temperatures are in the minus 40's and we were to
go to town~~have parcels to put on the greyhound
and a son to pick up from the greyhound. It is so cold
that I am not sure w
hen we will be able to leave.I am
thinking we will have to put cardboard in front of the grill to keep the truck from freezing. Not a good time to be travelling around that is for sure.
Our seco
nd oldest son dropped in yesterday morning
and had breakfast with his papa. That was a pleasant surprise. His wife is home "alone" with their five children. Maybe not a big deal to some but with these temps and a house that is not very warm it is a BIG deal! So far their water has not frozen and they are still managing~~ Praise God!

Our oldest son and wife and four children have had their water frozen for quite awhile now~~I am thinking it has been for over a week could be wrong though. Whatever it is not an easy situation to be in. Especially when the little ones have been sick~~

I love candles and have found a few of them on different sites so it is always fun for me to post them. I want to make a lot of hand-dipped candles but need to buy wicking and more beeswax. So maybe next year as I just do not have enough time this year. Used to make tons of candles as along with our kerosene lamps that is what we used for light. I am thankful for better lighting now as it is hard on my eyes even with glasses on to see when sewing or beading. I do miss the evenings of soft light though. There is something peaceful about the lighting and amber glow of lamps lit with kerosene and candles burning. It just seems to soften the whole world~~~now if the power goes out even if I do love that light from softer glowing lamps I can hardly wait for the power to come back on.
Water and fridge and freezer and sewing machine and washing machine and things like that kind of need electricity. So Praise the LORD for electricity!
This is a day one needs warm insulated clothing if one plans on being outside longer than say about 5 minutes. Layers of clothing helps. One thing is the sun will shine and even if it is not full of warmth its brilliance helps a
nd it does warm things nonetheless.
Won't be long now before we will have the sound of little hooves trampling on our roofs(ves?) Have to make sure there is some hay out for them on these cold nights. Definitely an old fashioned Christmas weather wise anyhow. One good thing is they are from waaaaay up north so these temps will probably seem pretty balmy to them.
I still have more gifts to finish up. I have been sewing a lot and thinkin
g of the days when I used only my treadle sewing machine or the old little Singer sewing machine that one turned by hand. I love that little machine but the tension is off on it. My treadle the tension is off on it too. I need a new leather belt for it too. Not the easiest things to find these days. I have been told of Singer repair men in the Kamloops area and one day I shall find out ~~
In the meantime I use my daughter-in-law's Janome as my Janome is broke down. What a time to break down. I ca
n not afford to take it in to the sewing machine doctor. Prayerfully in the New Year.
It is getting light enough to see the fence now I can not tell yet if we have an ice mist or not it is still too dark for that. But I think I will go and get some things ready so we can go off to town sometime today.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousnes,
and all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33
May the Peace of God wrap around you and yours

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Things Getting Done

Pepper Cheese Bread is rising and cookies are about to be made. Soup is done just waiting for us to sit down and eat it. Have to make some bannock to go with it.All is sunshiny and peaceful so far on this yet another cold cold day. It is so nice that God blesses us with the sunshine on these short cold days. Have to say I love that~~Thank-you LORD!
We are doing the little things inside that need doing like fixing a lamp and cleaning and mopping behind and underneath furniture that is not easy to move. Baking and trying to get knitting, sewing projects done up between today and the next few days.

Have a big wedding anniversary party to go to on Saturday on our way home from town. Our youngest son will get picked up from the bus too and brought out. We have it figured out so that if we aren't there then one of his older brothers will pick him up and we will meet him in town at church Sunday.

So far the ice is staying put and so is the river. Thankful for that too.
I am looking out the window here and can see the cows and bull are standing next to the barn soaking up the rays. The horses are happily eating at the bale. We have a breeze starting to pick up which is not what we want but guess we have no choice but to deal with it.
Squirrels have been out and about too busy as can be.They love the sunshine too.
All in all all is well here. I can get hot/cold packs made today I think. I have another little toque almost finished too. With that and cleaning and baking I do not think I will be bored. Not that getting bored is ever a thing with me! I can always think up something and if not I can always pester my poor dear Dennis! I think up ways to keep him busy and he rolls his eyes. We laugh!
We can't actually thaw the cabin out as the ice is not going to melt in this cold with just that little cookstove. So no use in wasting good firewood. we will give it a try again when it warms up a little better then maybe we can make some head way.
Better go now and get the bread punched down and into bread pans.

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things
and be in
health, just as your soul prospers.
3 John 1:2

God Bless

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Loooong But Interesting Day

It started out like an ordinary cold morning. The sun rose unveiling a slightly warmer morn. the horses came down to get a drink from the frozen overrun the river ice has caused. dennis went out and chopped a hole for them and then the bull and cows came and got a drink too.
Some breakfast and then the preparations for town , getting Christmas cards together, presents, cinnamon buns to be delivered to some friends on the way.The weather is still good and cold. Bunnies fed and watered same with cats dog. We load up the truck pups and Blueberry dog too and off we go.
A long wait at the cafe half way to town for the mail lady. Kenny comes out ~~He is one of the hired hands from another ranch. You guys want some dog food we got three dead cows~~Two cows froze and one the wolves ripped the throat out. The two that froze we figure the wolves ran them and they froze their lungs. The older one's nose was froze solid. The bummers of cold. We keep a close eye on noses especially the horses. Some winters one has to do shift work for days and nights thawing the ice off of noses. It is hard work.
Things get done in town and by golly if it hasn't warmed up enough to snow. Great!! Just what we wanted with our poor tires so off to home we head. Stop by some friends for tea and are given a big roast of beef. Head off from there with the snow swirling and drifting. Our one tire is running out of air. Well only an hour left to go and we will be home should be able to make it. And we do~~~
Now as I sit relaxing with my cup of peppermint tea after feeding animals and letting them in and out and in and out and having brought everything in from the truck ~~My dear Dennis says come out here Roxanne~~okay I do so and oh my gosh NONONONO!!The river ice has dammed up the river and our whole meadow is full of running water and it is rising to the house and to our landlady's cabin
It is late and my husband has gone to see if we need to lift things off the floor in the cabin he will be back soon so I will prepare for the worse. It is not far from the house we are in either> If it fills our basement we will not be able to use the wood heater in there with out swimming and if the temp drops we will be in for some tough times.

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Galatians 6:9

Monday, December 15, 2008


Of a morning wrapped in freezing we listen to the deep cold silence. The river can be heard as it tries to meander its way through the icy pathes. No breeze stirs as yet. Pups crunch across the frozen dry snow their romping is not for long. A quick piddle and zip around the trail they have made around the house and then look in the windows ~~hey mom let us back in~~sooo funny!The kitten had huddle up with them and covered in frost she decided they had the right idea~~INSIDE!! By the fire don't even need to be roasting chestnuts. Just roasting is good!
Yesterday in the midafternoon in came the last of the straying cows. Silly beasts waiting all this time to come in off the range. They are looking in pretty good shape so must have found someplace with a lot of will bark or aspen bark to eat and although things are pretty froze up around here there is stillopen water here and there. Although there is snow for them to eat not the best but can help with the moisture thing ~~Just one bull somewhere out there so prayerfully he will come in soon as this cold is predicted to last for a while here.
My sewing machine has broke down! OH NO!! I am really hoping and praying I can borrow my daughter-in-law's sewing machine to finish up some projects before Christmas. In the meantime I will crry on doing knitting, crocheting and baking.
Our last little grandson will be going home today as he Auntie that is here visiting will drop him off as she passes through town on her way back to Whistler. A long trip ahead of her.
I am loving the warmth and coziness of the great indoors! Smells of cooking and baking will fill the air and I will have no trouble finding things to do in here either. I can gaze out the window at my Currier and Ives scenery and love it with all my heart. If I think I am getting bored I can always wipe up another puppy puddle.
At some point today I will have to go pack in firewood and feed and water the bunnies. Go for a walk down the driveway. I made a barbwire wreath that is cool but it is not very visible down the driveway so decided I would bring it back to the house and put it up somewhere around here. Should make a trail to the ole outhouse too as if the power goes out for any extended period of time it comes in handy to visit that little shack.
ps I was rereading my last post (I think it was that one) and I wrote to God be the Gory! Excuse me the Gory?? How about the Glory!! LOL!

Forever, O LORD,
Your word is settled in heaven.
Psalm 119:89
Peace be with You

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Minus 34 or 35 Moonlight Reflections

Following the big Christmas Ball Moon home last night with children talking about moose and moons and bears too.The wind is so very cold. Nice to come into a warm fire in the kitchen wood heater. Dennis and the little ones lit the downstairs heater too. Then supper and everyone settled in for the evening not too bad either.
This last week with getting ready for Christmas and the cold weather blowing in and snow snow snow has had its unfolding dramatic story. I was called one evening by my mother and given the terrible news that my drug addicted drug pushing cousin who was thought to be lying low from the police was discovered dead in his apartment. Murdered! A story that does not run well with the Christmas scene.
But now there is this morning full of four little boys and one little darling girl. And very cold temps with the scientists coming soon to store their fancy skidoos in our barn. The living room has a lovely Christmas tree up and trimmed, cats snoozing around, boys bed bouncing and talking of ~~shhhh~~~farting and stinky breath~~okay boys onto a different subject~~Beds and more beds.
Puppies are now also alive and lively and very awake. The moon shining on the new fallen snow has given a lustre of cold to all of us here below!!
The Advent Candles are such a part of our Christmas this third Advent Sunday. Not too much longer to the big joyous event. The song "What Child is This?" is singing in my head
I love the candles of Christmas.Their fire gives joy and warmth and light.
Quietly spreading bright cheer throughout the room.
You will guide me with Your counsel,
And afterward receive me to glory.
Psalm 73:24
I pray that all out there too have some warm bright Christmassy cheer coming your way no matter what kind of tribulations you are going through. To God Be the Gory!Roxanne

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Creating the Day's Work

The bedroom window was open all night as it is most nights. The cats comfortably sit in the window or come and go as they please all through the night. This night the window sill filled with snow and the floor on my side of the bed and my night stand too was covered with the wet stuff. I managed to close the window somewhat without clearing all the snow off. didn't want to wake up my husband.
I have had a couple of cups of tea now and put the pups out for a little run. They are fine outside together in the darkness of the morning but through the day they go out one at a time. If they are all together they get running, playing and run out onto the river ice. Losing one to river ice is bad enough so we only let them out together in the dark as they do not go far from the house in the dark as yet. We have sold another pup and potentially sold another one and then we just will have two left of the fifteen. Praise the LORD!! One our youngest son is keeping and one my husband really likes and is keeping. I like her too she is so smart. And pretty.
I really wonder if I should even have a blog but it is fun to write down my head's thoughts and ponderings. I have read a few blogs and oh my gosh am I ever bushed~~! I am still learning how to copy and paste actually I have not learned it yet but am determined to figure that out. Fun or craziness I do not know.
Creating the day's work list has me prioritizing ~~baking more and more bread and buns for the community's craft and bake sale on the weekend is first priority. The sewing and knitting and everyday has its cleaning to do too.
Last night Dennis herded one of the bulls we have been waiting to come in from the rangeinto a corral. He is happily eating hay. Got a little hungry out there. Maybe he will rmember the way home next season. Hubert had seen it and a cow ~~where is the cow? Maybe she will come in yet. Most of the herd is in now and at the main ranch. Our part of the ranch is only 320 acres. the main ranch is over 1000 acres. But the cattle range at our end. They winter at the other ranch.
Prepaing for a busy day ahead I am reminded of God's Word~~
You also be patient.
Establish your hearts,
for the coming of the
LORD is at hand.
James 5:8
Working and Praying that the day is a blessing for all

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Rail Fences and Home

Thursday seems like such an ordinary day. There is grey sky, with the promise or threat depending on how you view such weather, of snow to come.
Sometimes the breeze waves the boughs of the trees. The rail fences look old and grey and wet. The cow hide hangs stiffly with little snow on it. The river freezes more and more as the hours pass by. What to do on a day where the power goes out with no previous warning early in the morning? It is a constant problem here where logging equipment encounters power lines and somehow they just don't seem to want to get along all that well together.
Deer roast is now in the electric stove's oven with the electricity back on just in time to make some supper. Smells of the cooking meat fill the home. The warmth of the wood heaters wrap around us. Keeping us cozy. At least we can be warm even on these colder days with or without the hydro.
Puppies play, packing firewood all over the kitchen which is one of their favourite games. They love to stand and bark at the big old cats that sit and stare at them from the freezer too. The older dogs laze around. Everyone has been in and out numerous times.
The knitting has been put down for a bit so that I can write on this blog telling the world about a life at the end of the grid. We have spent so much of our lives "off grid" and am so thankful for electricity and running water. It is so nice to not have to pack water up from a creek to heat on the wood or propane stove to pour in a tub for numerous children and adults and then bathe and have to pack it all out again. So much easier to do laundry ~~I love this life. To me it is the simple life! Not so much hard labour. Although the hard labour is still there it just doesn't include packing untold numbers of five gallon buckets of water to the house and to animals and to the wash tub for laundry.
For once in my life I can focus on a few other things. Not sure I accomplish anymore than I use to.
The children are grown now and the last one has left home a year ago. Is our life "empty?" Is it lonely? Is it boring? ~~I can give you one big answer to that ~~NO!!~~ we have so much to do that I often wonder how we got so much done when all the children were home and there was homeschooling and chores to tend to and children of all ages to attend to.
The day has not been the most exciting day in our lives nor the most energetic day so to speak. Things have been completed and new things started.There is always something to do.If one was a puppy one would be out there tossing horse buns in the air too and thinking it was great fun.
The rail fences are blending in with the day just sort of nondescript but there. Standing steadfastly quietly making their statement for all those who can understand it.
It all makes me think of a little poem I read some years ago~~
The way we live our lives each day
Makes up our eulogy:
So ask yourself, "When I pass on,
What will be said of me?" --Sper

Praise the LORD!
Praise the LORD, O my soul!
While I live I will praise the LORD;
I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.
Psalm 146:1-2
Living an "ordinary" life is what is here old rail fences and smells of venison roast May your day be a great "ordinary" day too

Monday, December 1, 2008


The first day of December and it is raining and snowing a slushy type of snow and freezing rain. Trying hard not to worry about our two sons that are driving logging trucks in this stuff. I don't know which roads would be worse the bush roads or the highways. It is a sin to worry so note that I am not worrying just overly concerned!
No matter what the weather is outside right now here it is December and like every year's December I have too much to do to spend much time fretting over weather. As long as the power doesn't go out I will be just fine. I have Christmas Stollen to make today and Pepper Cheese Bread. Although we live at the end of the grid and when power goes out it can take along time for them to fix it. This ranch is provided with a cookstove but it is electric. Too bad! Wish I could put my wood cookstove in or even my propane stove. Someday maybe I guess.
The sky is heavy and the world looks soggy. Puppies are playing and fire is throwing its welcomed warmth.
With baking to do and knitting and crocheting , sewing and not to forget regular everyday chores along with meals I do not think I will be bored that is for sure.
It might not be a good day for Dennis to be falling trees like he was planning on~~maybe he can do some inside things. He has a few things he has been wanting to do inside so this might be the perfect day yet!
You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a
hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and
put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and
it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
I do not have a new broom to make a clean sweep of things with but I will put my old broom to use. Praying that all of you have a busy cheerful day of accomplishments.
God Bless