Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Black Foxes

There has been frost for quite a few mornings in a row now. Many friends have lost parts of their gardens to it. Mine thankfully isn't coming up enough to worry about and the cabbage family that is up is pretty hardy so not to worry about. Everything in my greenhouse is doing great with out the wood heater burning in it. I did have one pepper plant that was under plastic outside that got the top somewhat frost bit as there was a hole in the plastic at that point.
Clouds are moving in now this morning after a pretty dawn. Seems to be the way lately.
I do not have much time to write on here this morning so want to throw this
out to those of you who are out there and read this.
We have had a black fox here and no it is NOT a cross fox. This little fox is black black with a white tip on its tail. I thought at first it was my Nellie dog but seeing as she was sleeping on the porch guess it is not. A friend down the road was here visiting a couple days ago and out of the blue he said yeah ---- saw a black fox
the other day. Not a cross fox a black fox. So I told him of the one I saw. Now I am trying to find out about black foxes. Will have to look them up on google or something. Havent had much time for that. But am certainly interested in info just out of curiosity if anyone out there does know more about them. I have never seen one before! Isn't life interesting?
Anyways I must be going as we have to meet our daughter with her belongings at one of our son's homes so she
can get her treasures organized for her transfer to an isolated area in northern BC. Have a great Canada Day!

Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do,
do it with they might...
Ecclesiastes 9:10

God's Blessings be upon you


Leona M said...

I think you will find that your black fox is just a mutant of the common red fox like cinnamon bears and "spirit" bears are mutants of the black bear. These black foxes have been known as "silver" foxes as well. It beats me as to why they are called silver foxes unless they are quite old and have tarnished. -- Ken

Gramma Roxanne said...

oops tried to send you an answer Ken but can not get on your guys' blog. I had to laugh at that tarnished bit maybe that is the answer Dennis thought that was funny too. They look black from a distance so the hairs are really dark to the tips and silver underneath. It is rather cool but kind of spooky too to see an animal that looks like a fox acts like a fox but way wrong colouring!! Hi to you both by the way Roxanne

Gramma Roxanne said...

ps I wonder if that means I am "spirtual" now??

Leona M said...

I know why you can't get on our blog --we don't have one!:) --Ken

Gramma Roxanne said...

oh that would explain that little problem. Kind of hard to get on a blog that isn't there! hahaha