Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wet Wednesday Weather

The weather is still wet this morning. Listening to Jesse Cook play his amazing Flamenco guitar music while watching this little kitty play with everything in sight. I have various cleaning jobs to do inside and some crocheting projects on the go. There are no cows in sight at this moment so there is hope they are gone back where they belong. My keyboard is doing weird things this morning I have no question mark the parenthesis are coming out as the equal sign and so on. So far the letters are working. I am wondering if it is the keyboard that is on the fritz or the computer is messed up for some strange reason. Maybe there is some kind of beastie inside my keyboard playing tricks on me.Whatever the reason it does not work! but the exclamation mark does. Hooray for that.
We really did need rain but not sure torrential rain was what any of us were thinking of. No need to be worried about forest fires for a couple of days at least.
We need the rainy weather to stop so we can get on with the painting or staining of the log house we were hired to do. We have it mostly scraped just a little left to do on that and some power washing which we can do even in this weather.But we will have to wait for dry weather to do the rest.
One of our
grandsons took a liking to ponchos. He has one that I made but it got me looking up patterns for Mexican type ponchos or serrapis not sure if that is spelled right. There are some pretty cool ones out there. So far though I have not found any free patterns for them so the search goes on when I have free time to just do things like look up stuff.
These very ugly chickens we have been given have started getting their feathers back and are starting to resemble chickens. Out of the ten of them I am now gath
ering eight eggs per day! Hallelujah!
When the weather dries I can get back to picking wild herbs and drying them. I have lots of raspberry leaves dried and we have lots of wild spearmint grow
ing along the river banks. It is way too early for rosehips. Many other plants and tree barks etc can be picked and dried and some used for everyday use and some for medicinal uses. I never ever use a micro wave to dry my herbs,roots or bark. Just air dry. Some roots can be dried in a very low oven or hung over the wood cookstove or wood heater and they will dry nicely that way.
It would be nice very nice in fact to have time to get to my sewing. I have way way more ideas and plans than I can ever manage to find time for. What´s a gal to do...
I think I will go make french toast for breakfast. I want so bad to make bread pudding but do not have enough milk for such an undertaking. Maybe in a couple weeks.

There are many plans in a man´s heart,
Nevertheless the LORD´s counsel that will stand.
Proverbs 19 verse 21

Lots of plans in this girl´s heart this morning
Have a great day and may some of your plans
come to fruition.

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