Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Morning Home Fire

The clouds have moved in streaking the sky this morning with different hues of grey-blue to lavendar. The little wood heater is crackling gaily away in the kitchen. The home fire what would we do without the sound of it let alone the cozy wonderful heat it pumps out for us. I reflect on the home fires over the years, you know there has been very few years in my life where there wasn't a "home fire". The cookstove was always my favourite home fire. I loved it in the early mornings as a child and my dad would get me putting the shavings and kindling into the firebox with the whole top side opened up. We would put in a few little pieces of wood and once the fire got going on would go the fittings and dad would leave the one spot open as we moved the kettle over the flames to start the water to boiling. It wouldn't be long and the oven could be opened up and dad would set a chunk of wood under the oven door so that you could put your feet up on it without the fear of breaking the door off its hinges. The smell of the burning wood and the smell of the cooking breakfast was alwasy my favourite part of the day it seems. Guess that might be why to this day I love the early mornings.
I have tried to post on here for a few days and gave up as it wouldn't post and wouldn't post my emails either but seems to be posting again so here
is praying and I will try to get the posting done and prayerfully posted too.
Thanks for your comments everyone I tried to answer them but no go~~
I am sipping
This photo was sent to me by a friend from OOtsa Lake in northern BC Look close and you can see the four grizzlies swimming together tea and wondering what wonders will be brought forth this day!
We will not be attending our church service out here as we are down to the last of our gas and need to keep it for the day the LORD blesses us with a cheque so that we can go to town and spend said cheque. You know pay on bills buy more gas so we can get home and maybe even some groceries. That would be exciting. It has been awhile now since wehave bought any groceries so I can easily draw up a list just wish I knew how much I can afford then it is the old prioritize the list thing. That part I am not quite so fond of. Soooo~~the day will be spent here doing things that can be done. Reading our bibles together and praying together. Praying our o
ne son's hand will heal quickly and well. It was cut at the meat-cutting course he is taking and severed the tendon(s) on the back of his hand. He has it all stitched up and in a cast and still plugging along on the course which he seems to be really enjoying.
His wife and family are holding down the fort while he is doing this. Not a small feat for a lady with five little ones. She is a homeschooler too. I am thankful they don't have to pack water and feed a bunch of livestock. That would be pretty much overwhelming with chores. Her older boys are a big help to her so that is good good.
Our one daughter is on her way to Hawaii with friends today for ten days. She has the time off of work. She is a public health nurse. Nice break f
or her.
Back here in the land of winter is a long ways from a Hawaiin vacation that is for sure. But if you are a coyote here chasing a huge moose out of the hayfield so you can have it all to yourself. Stretching out in the bright
sunshine on top of the spakling white snow. Weeell now Hawaii is just at your finger tips. It is all a matter of perspective my dears!
Think I will leave off now and go make some breakfast and get on with the things of the day.

And thou shalt love the LORD thy God
with all thine heart, and with all thy soul,
and with all thy might.
And these words, which I command
thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
And thou shalt teach them diligently unto
thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou
sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by
way,amd when thou liest down, and when thou
risest up.
Deuteronomy 6:5-7

God bless you with
a wonder filled Sunday!

1 comment:

Elizabeth-Plain and Simple said...

Good to hear from you. I enjoyed the story about the cookstove from your childhood. I don't have a cookstove but I enjoy our woodheater very much. In fact, I have cooked on it. About 10 years ago, we were without power for several days due to snow and ice. I cooked all our meals on it and enjoyed doing it. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to hearing from you again.
