Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Homemade Cinnamon Buns, Tea and Sandhill Cranes

My morning has been on the go for awhile now. I have been blessed with seeing the sky change its rosy coloured clouds that were suspended under the heavy grey canopy to a clearing sky. Last night's rain froze to the vehicles but it is melted now as I sit here typing away ~~eating my homemade cinnamon buns and sipping my tea.
I can hear the graaaaaking song of the sandhill cranes as they tell the world of their morning breakfast find in the large puddle in the hay-meadow. This couple seems to love that spot and are there most days and for a lon
g time through the day. The dogs don't bother them which is nice. They seem to have adjusted to the takeover of birds here.
We saw our first little black bear of the season. Others have seen bears here and there but we had not seen any here yet.We know they are around but not actually spotted. Beautiful little guy. Nice shiny coat. Shy though~~which is fine with me.
A day of baking and sewing ahead for me. there is also a load of firewood we want to get. I have plants that need transplanting too so am hoping to get that done. Although the heater is now set up in there we still need a little more stove pipe so not sure whether to transplant there yet or wait till we make another trip into town and buy said stovepipe.

Yesterday was a nonstop day with Bible study (over the phone) cleaning and baking bread and cinnamon buns. I trade these for things like stewing chicken and eggs. I have more to make today so that when we do go to town I can sell them. One dozen cinnamon buns I am making for friends as a gift as they are always blessing us with something or other.
I have a pretty denim tote bag I am almost finished too that I am hoping to put the cinnamon buns (the gift ones) into.
In the meantime my life is centred around finishing the Bible study, the numerous birds that come in here, helping my husband with getting logs for another greenhouse and rails for fencing and gates. Going for long walks, sewing, knitting, crocheting, baking, and the ever on going housecleaning. That is my life and I do enjoy it! I love to challenge myself to see just ho
w much I can get accomplished in a day.
I have been asked to make a couple of tooth-fairy pillows too so will have to add that to my sewing this day. Shouldn't take too long to make those.
Well, my friends, my cinnamon buns are all "et up" and the tea cup is half ways gone and needing some refilling.

And now, dear children, abide in Him,
that when He appears,
we may have confidence and not be ashamed
before Him at His coming.
1 John 2:29

May you be a Blessing in His Sight

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