Friday, April 3, 2009

This is the Day that the LORD Hath Made

Warmish weather out there this morning with just a few degrees below freezing. There is actually no pretty white stuff falling from the sky this morning.This whole week we have had snow off and on. Our mornings usually are snowy. Yesterday the winds blew and the snow fell. Nonetheless our snow is still sinking and there is some hope that one day maybe even by the end of this month we will see the ground again.
Today we are off to town. Just a few things to do. Have stuff to drop off and always there is some bills to pay. We have a bit of a grocery list we are hopeful of being able to fill.
I am particularly looking forward to getting to spend some time with our daughter-in-law and the five little ones. Not sure if the oldest two of the five think of themselves as little ones anymore but I am the Gramma and they are all little ones to me in a way! Grandparents special privileges. The hard one is when you get in trouble by a three year old for calling them "baby"! Oh well.
The youngest of these grandchildren is walking now so that will be fun to see. Everyone is just growing and growing. Me too but I would rather
be growing in wisdom than from side to side. LOL
We have been sorting through things here so there is stuff to drop off here and there for someone else to enjoy or make use of. Anything to get it out of our house. I really want to work on getting things well organized and gone through as much as possible. Not an easy task but we can keep picking away at it. Prayerfully one day it will be all done.
I have started a few flower seeds inside here. They are doing nicely. Here is hoping I will be able to pick up some peat pots today so I can start transplanting them from the flats. I would like to get some herb seeds next. Soon I will start some tomato plants and peppers things like that. We have dreams of a very good size garden this year. Not sure where we will store all the food but we can freeze and can lots of the vegetables.
I still haven't managed to get much sewing done. This has been hard on me as I really want to get these things done. I keep telling myself it will come. I am slowly getting better. Did manage to get all my curtains in the living room washed and the windows washed inside and out. Between snowstorms. Determined to get it done no matter what the weather was doing.
I have been trying to sort our huge pile of photos out~~now there is an overwhelming task. I feel like I am make a very small progress in tha
t area. At least I am attempting it.
This is just a quick little update on the lives of us at Blackwater River Ranch. Things are quiet. Little jobs are being completed. Housework and chores keep us occupied a long with the sorting we are trying to get done.
I am wishing I could buy a lot of fabric but I think I will at least buy some thread that I am going to need.
This month of April has quite a few birthdays in it for this family. My mom's on the 5th, one daughter on the 9th, one of our daughters-in law on the 14th, our youngest grandson's on the 17th(I hope that is the day oh my now I have to think about that one) and another daughter on the 24th. I need to be independently wealthy. Haha

Do not lay up for yourselves on earth,
where moth and rust destroy and
where thieves break and steal: but
lay up for yourselves treasures in
heaven where neither moth nor rust
destroys and where thieves do not
break in and steal. For where your
treasure is their your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:19-21

Have a great Friday
God Bless

1 comment:

Elizabeth-Plain and Simple said...

Wow, that is a lot of birthdays in one month. I am glad you are coninuing to get better and I hope you are able to get some sewing done soon. I need to do some sewing also. I still have den curtains to make. Have a wonderful weekend.
