Wednesday, April 15, 2009

So This is Wednesday!

The little hawk makes his landing on the greying rail fence. Little birds of of many types cover the frozen morning ground. They sense the presence of the the hawk and cease their frenzied feeding, zipping under the truck or any where they can quickly take cover. Morning rays light upon the scene that suddenly isn't so tranquil at least not if you are one of the little birds trying to find your breakfast. The "cycle of life" unfolds before my very eyes as the hawk is looking for breakfast too and none want to be it!
The Canada geese slide across the water in the hayfield. They are not too impressed and will be back later when the "water" isn't so hard.
A chilly morning here in this corner of the Cariboo but it looks glorious with the morning's golden streams of light gracing over the frozen ground, snow, ice and the frozen river water that is in the hay meadow. I think in farenheit (sp?) temps it would be around 16 or 17 degrees at the moment in celcius it is about -8.
My laundry hanging out on the clothes line from yesterday is looking very stiff. But
it is spring and we know that in a few hours things will warm up and thaw out. It is still going to be a while before there are any tulips blooming in this area. I did pick a bunch of kinnik-kinnik and its berries yesterday when I was on a hike around where I can easily walk. There is getting to be more and more "freed up" walking areas. Still need boots. I wear my snow boots as they don't get soaking wet. My gumboots can not be found somewhere they have been put away last fall in a box so they could be found for spring. Only problem what box and where is it. I will have to go through the shop-barn and see if they can be rediscovered. In the meantime snowboots are fine. No running shows at least not if you want to leave the immediate area around the house.
The river continues to get noisier each day. Open water is getting more and more the draw back is our basement which is hand dug has water seeping in again so not sure how much grace we have before we have to start the pump again.

The Easter week-end was a pleasant one ~~somewhat busy but with its quiet times. One of our daughters came for a visit overnight and we spent time visiting and she had lots of quiet time to study for an important interview.
The rest of the family in this area went off to visit their family in another area of BC. In slightly more southern climes. It sounds like all of them had a great time.
Our one daughter-in-law we were told was travelling home with the children yesterday o
n her birthday. I wonder if she got a birthday cake anywhere along the line. I will find out sometime today I am sure.
Our youngest son placed third in the annual Easter Rodeo down on the reserve. He is safe and sound and still in one piece which makes for a happy mama. His
one brother was the bull-fighter and he is a little stiff and sore from bulls giving him a hard time but nothing major. The other "children" of ours were doing their thing at their homes. All is well.
In the meantime I have been baking and selling the baking like crazy. Easter time must have something about cinnamon buns cause have I ever made a lot of cinnamon buns for the week-end. I always thought people were into hot cross b
uns at Easter. Guess I am wrong and that is okay with me.
Visiters from another ranch were here yesterday afternoon for a couple hours that was fun. All of us enjoying being able to talk and share our thoughts wit
h someone else besides those we live with. It was great!
Today I am going to do the usual everyday chores like dishes, sweeping the floors, things like that and we are hoping to start cleaning out our chicken coop and put a little barrel heater in it that we finally could get with not much digging out of the snow and ice. We would like to put the other one in the little greenhouse too. How much can two people accomplish in a day? We shall see.

...reaching forth unto those things which are before,
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high
calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Phillipians 3:13,14

God Bless you as you go
about your day

1 comment:

Elizabeth-Plain and Simple said...

It sounds like everything is going well with you. I hope you have been able to accomplish all that you wanted. I have alot I need to get done also; if it will stay dry long enough. Take care and I will be looking forward to your next post.
