Hooray we have clouds and it is the end of February!! I am hoping and praying that March will come in like a lion and go out like a lamb~~not sure one should put much faith in old time wive's tales but I still cling to this one. And here we have clouds what a blessing that is! The temperature has gone from so cold at minus 37 up to only -17 this morning and already it is minus 13 so warming. With the clouds there comes the odd snowflake
slowly sifting its way to the ground.We have about three feet of snow~~my thought is that if March will come in like a lion we will get storms with snow or cold rains but the temperatures will warm up which ultimately means the snow and ice will blow away, wash away, and melt away reveling the earth. Mud would be a welcomed sight believe me.
I do enjoy the picturesque scenery right out my windows and doors~~no complaints there. My mind is getting anxious to play in the mud and see water running down the river again. The colour green on more than just snow-covered evergreens. Mosquitoes and blackflies~~and doing things in the ground. Like planting seeds~~It would be nice to get going on the pig pens and chicken coop needs to be set up for new chicks~~Just plain being outside without the extra 50 pounds of clothing. It has been a lond cold winter this year and although we rarely ever get icestorms like back east or down in the southern states we do get snow and ice and way low temperatures and this year the snow was here starting in October. So bring on the LION have us some good storms and maybe just maybe the going out like a lamb means the sunshine will shine and the water from melting snows will flow and the mud will show itself bringing with it the man-eating bugs!!
Where there is no vision,
the people perish...
Proverbs 29:18
God Bless you
with a wonderful week-end
The north wind sweeps down around us over the hay fields down on towards the river. Taking with it the snow in wispy clouds off of the barn roof. Swirling white clouds rise up off the fields and off the river's mini icebergs. Fine snow sifts down from the grey sky filling in the porches. Many times having been pushed back with a broom. Only to fill in again.
A huge eagle drops down onto a branch outside my window. He balances himself there looking around with his keen eyes picking out the remains of the cow carcass.Before he decides to move on, the wind hits his branch almost upsetting him. He is really too big for the branch in this storm. Lifting himself and swooping down he skims across the ground over to the little log shed where little chickadees are feasting and cheeky whiskey jacks are sitting in a tree about to take their turn on the bones hanging from the eaves for them. Even a little sapsucker is there pecking away on the fat on a rib. Eagle takes it all in and disappears. He will be back one day not too far in the future. It is his habit to stop by ever so often.
I have made turkey soup from scratch for our meals today as neither one of us are super hungry and on a day like this soup and homemade biscuits seem to be just right.
I took out some wild blueberries from the freezer and cooked them up in to pie filling and made a batch of tarts out of them.
A friend gave me lard she had rendered down and had a surplus of. Beautiful lard so I made pastry out of some. I have lots so we can have bannocks anytime we want too. I love bannocks.
Our bible study has actually progressed to the 2nd chapter of 1 Peter. Kay Arthur's bible studies are definitely not light. But they are enlightening for sure.
With snow swirling and whirling and temperatures dropping steadily I will go off and do something for the evening like my dishes. Need to look like a dedicated housekeeper as you just never know when someone just may drop by. It has been some days since we have seen any other humans. But best to "be prepared" isn't that the old Brownie Motto?
Another day of this so-called shortest month is drawing to an end.
When a man is gloomy, everything seems to go wrong;
when he is cheerful, everything seems right!
Proverbs 15:15
Praying February isn't getting you down
Look up
God Bless
The sweet breeze wafted over my face as I lay semi-asleep or semi-awake whatever you call that at 4:30a.m. I looked up to the window sill to see one of the cats sitting very still looking out at the wondrous world outside our bedroom window. An owl be heard off in the distance. The cat knew she was safe on her perch.We both looked now at a world full of new-fallen snow and moonshine. Clouds hung over the horizon. Little twinkles of stars pierced the early morning sky. This dead of the winter early morning sky! I felt I had been specially honoured by God to be able to just enjoy.
Our snow is getting fairly deep now and the temperatures have dropped again but not to very cold as it is only -10c or for those of you on the farenheit scale it is somewhere around 5 above.
Yesterday in the late afternoon I was upstairs doing some mending for a friend when the dogs started to bark. Then the sound of a vehicle!! Shock it is coming down our driveway. It is something to hear a vehicle here but when you do they are usually going to go by on the snow-covered dirt road not come in our driveway. It was neighbours from a ranch down the road about 11 miles away. What a pleasant surprise. They told us the little old general store has actually been leased or something and is open for business. They are getting the cafe going too even looking into getting the gas pumps going. ~~Oh my we will be thinking we are right uptown pretty darn quick here.But now if you need a can of milk or some tea and of course the dreaded cigarettes will be available, never fear. I am hoping they won't sell liquor.
It is such a privilege to live here and experience the daily life of just living here I can only Praise my LORD!
My day today is shaping up in my head: there is a bible study lesson to do, mending and cutting out log cabin square pieces that I am experimenting with. Probably make potholders out of them. I have to make bread today too. There is snow to shovel and I would like to clean up my porches. The male cat we are babysitting has sprayed on an old wood cookstove on the main porch. when the temperature is a little warm it smells like cat pee. Not a pleasant sme
ll for to have greet folks or ourselves. I will have to wait for it to warm up a little before I can do anything about that at the moment.
I think I can keep myself occupied though no fear of getting bored.
I have been pretty sick so this is just a little howdy doody to all of you. Letting you know I am on the mend and so glad I so rarely do get sick because blaaaah.
and whatsoever ye do in word or deed,
do all in the name of the LORD JESUS,
giving thanks to God and the Father
by him.
Colossians 3:17
Have a Bright and Cheery day
I sit here at the computer wishing so much that I could just put drainpipes in my sinuses. I have not had a cold like this for many years now. I guess I should get it once in awhile. Sipping teas, drinking juices,slurping homemade soups, snorting salty water, showering for the moisture(I never stink lol)wanting to sleep but can't. If I am not shivering I am burning up. Well~~that about sums up the state of my health at this present moment in time.
Outside of that I am trying to get some hand embroidering done on a stuffed toy I am making for a little grandson but can't seem to stay focused on anything for very long.I want to try to cut out squares for log cabin quilt square patterns maybe make them up into potholders cause I could use some new ones. It would be nice to try it out but we will have to see how I am feeling by later today.
There is always more snow to shovel which I am going to have to do today whether I like it or not.It is only zero here or maybe -1. Incredibly w
arm which I am not at all complaining about just stating the facts of life here.
All the animals are enjoying this nice break from the cold. Lots of snow though. One of our son's and family live a ways away from us but they REALLY have the snow.I also have some bible study work to do if I can muster the energy to think which will be a challenge to me this morning.
A mans heart plans his way,
But the LORD directs his steps.
Proverbs 16:9
Have a great Day
The music from the CBC radio stationed blasted away bringing with it the nostalgia of years gone by. Back home on the reserve Dennis and I were quite the dancers by the elders opinions. So back to the present we danced together around the kitchen trying not to trip over the woodpile and managing to scare the tar out of the dogs. They found hiding places under chairs and tables. We had fun.Rocking the night away at Blackwater River Ranch. Stiff drinks of tea in our cups and laughing and dancing and thinking this is the life. Oh by the way both of us are kind of sick with a cold thing that blaaah but that did not dampen our spirits just didn't go to the gospel sing we were invited to. I wonder if maybe we are getting bushed.
This morning the snow is really coming down. We will not go out to church at our pastor's house this evening. Don't think they want us to share our bug.Have lots to do here to keep ourselves occupied so we won't get bored or anything.
Breakfast is out of the way and think it is time for a shower. Then I will start on my day of what I have n
ot fully decided. There is the usual and still have more mending to do for my friend. Should work out a menu now that I have some groceries to choose from. There is this lovely kitty litter box to clean. YUK!! But it is not pleasant smelling so better be done soon today.I would like to keep sewing. I tried cutting the pieces for a log cabin square by scissors as my quilting rolling cutter is not working. It is broken. It is hard to keep everything really straight. but am thinking I will cut long strips and then just measure the lenghts I need and cut them that way. Have to remember my colour scheme too. which piece goes in which place. Shouldn't get alzheimers doing this. Man oh man my poor widdle brain is being pressure
The LORD will strengthen him on his bed of
You will sustain him on his sickbed.
Psalm 41:3
In Christ