Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday/St. Patrick's Day

Here I am back at the keyboard. A chilly morning but still warmer than it has been. Spring really is coming even to the Cariboo. Dogs are out on "patrol" trying to make sure those pesky coyotes stay away. Chasing the fox off. All those things that are very important when you are a dog with a job to do.
I finally have one of the sewing machines up and running so now that I am feeling better(had a little flu bug or something) I can get back at sewing. This I am really looking forward to.
One of our sons came up and stayed the night on the week-end and brought us some venison and a salmon. Nice change from pork believe me. Today I am hoping to make a roast.
He and D
ennis trimmed the horses hooves. So they have nicer looking feet these days. Want to give them a good brushing. We would like to oil the saddles but need to make it into town to buy the oil. Not sure when that will happen.
All round things are doing pretty well here in this part of the world. The snow is still piling
up but the temperatures have warmed and spring snows just melt the older winter snows. It gets above the freezing level most days now. That is so fun but still we froth at the bit. There is so much spring work to do but can't yet cause of the snow. It is sinking slowly though so there is hope of seeing ground again someday. Prayerfully by the end of April.
One of my sisters sent me a little bit on tatting, with what I have here already I have hope
that I can take some time and teach myself to tat. That would be kind of fun. Started to bead some earrings too just before I got feeling not so great. Hope to pick that up and finish the pair.
In the meantime ~~back at the ranch all is well~~we are managing to keep our days full and occupied even if it isn't starting seeds in the greenhouse, planting the garden, cleaning the chicken coop to ready for new birds, building the pig pens, or oiling saddles or just plain playing in the mud!! Oh to see mud!

The LORD is good.
A stronghold in the day of trouble;
And He knows those who trust in Him.
Nahum 1:7

Have a wonderful day and Happy St. Patrick's Day to You!

1 comment:

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day. Oh, you gotta love the mud!