Thursday, March 12, 2009

After the Full Moon

I hear it is totally Canadian to be talking about the weather ~~so to be a true blue Canadian here is my little weather report~~~
The last few days, or weeks, maybe even months the weather has been so below zero celcius. North winds sometimes softly, stiffly stealing across the frozen crust of the snow. Other days the wind whipped and blew nastily. grabbing up snow, twirling it insanely. At times it was hard to see anywhere. Then there was the clear, beautiful sky blue days with glorious sunshine but temperatures that we
re determined to break your beak off. Never mind the jack-frost nipping at your nose and your toes. Scared to touch your nose in case it breaks and your toes would be popsicles if you were to allow them to appear alone and uncovered for more than a few minutes.The last few days the morning temperatures have been -37,-30 and so on this morning it is -5 and the snow is sweetly sifting down. At last the long awaited weather change that comes after the full moon. All I can say is Praise the LORD!
Tuesday night we went out to our Pastors' house church service. Cheryl Bear and her family were there. She ministers along with her family to the First Nations Peoples across the country and into the United States.
Dennis had the truck plugged in (hey it was the full moon so really crystal clear and below zero) He pumped up the tired tire to prepare the truck for its outing. I had been given a small homegrown turkey so I cooked it up. My
turkey carving husband cut it up. We placed it in the stainless steel roaster and along with the wild bluebery scones I had made in my nice deep glass pie plates we got them in the truck.Off we went. The drive on the icy road was breathtaking. Sun shone over this country with its late afternoon hues.
We arrived and visited and worked together to get the meal all ready. And what a meal we did have. There was turkey and rice that is made with rice vinegar and sugar, corn dish, homemade cranberry sauce, fancy buns. For dessert we had my blueberry scones and Indian ice-cream. Oh my it was good. After the meal we sat around teasing each other about all of us falling asleep together from eating turkey. Stories were shared and different versions of "Neyi the Man-Eater" were told. A Carrier Indian story that maybe someday I will write out for you.There was one man who did not believe in Neyi so the story goes on and in the end you will learn how mosquitoes were created. Now the p
art of the testicle earrings is way too hard to write out at this point and those who are skittish might not want to hear that part. The story is still told and many times with out the interesting scary part.
Cheryl taught us about the use of the sacred drum in praising our Creator God. We learned drum ethics and how to drum. We drove home in the dark under a clear starlit sky.
Today I have a large batch of bread to be made by noon so will have to leave all of you soon to get it started. I still bake bread and other baked goods for certain people.

The last two days a moose has taken up hanging out very close to the house. We try to keep the dogs in when he is around chewing on the willows along the riverbanks.Usually we see the moose everyday but further away from the house down the river or in the hayfields. They love to eat on the willows.
With this weather I have been feeding a couple of ravens. Yesterday afternoon I took them out some chopped up raw pork I had ( I was making
homemede pork and beans) Putting the meat out on their blackened stump I let them know it was there. Sure enough as soon as I walked into the house they were there checking it out. Now one of these black beauties is very suspicious of everything. It will hop around the stump and then flap up trying to hover like a big black humming bird over the stump. It will look the display of grub over and then back down on the snow and hop hop hop around the stump like it is on patrol. Meanwhile the other one will fly down and check it out pretty quickly. Yesterday my poor curious one lost out and only got a couple pieces of the meat cause gobble guts filled its beak with all the meat it could and more!!
I am thinking when I see behaviour like that that when Adam and Eve sinned it did not just affect mankind. Even the animals stopped thinking of others and became possesors of greed.

I say then: Walk in the Spirit
and you shall not fulfill the
lust of the flesh.Galatians 5:16

Have a good day
God Bless


Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

What a lovely picture you can create with your words.

I am hoping the warm up is on it's way now!!

Elizabeth-Plain and Simple said...

I still haven't got around to making any homemade bread yet.... I have not been feeling very well (allergies) but I have managed to get some of my spring cleaning done in between running back and forth to doctors. I hope you have some warmer weather soon. Thanks for sharing.
