Sunday, March 8, 2009

Our Sunday Morning

our oldest son's logging truck last Thursday after the loader slid down the bank into his bunks.
The clicking of the keys on my keyboard seem to go along with the tt tt tt of the little sapsucker that spends its days pecking on the outside of the house logs. Day in and day out it is there. Once in awhile pecking on the rib cage hanging from the old shed eaves. Picking off some of the last of the fat and meat there. There is a sunbeam streaming across the drifted snow. The blizzard winds have settled down this morning to just enough of a wind to sway the tops of the trees somewhat. Our dogs have chased off the fox not willing to share their bones with it. I have eaten on large saskatoon berry muffin I made them yesterday morning for breakfast.This is Sunday morning here. There is no church service here in the morning and this Sunday there is a special service in the early evening down at the school which is also the local community hall etc. Cheryl Bear who is a Carrier which is the 1st Nations in this area is coming to minister to her people with sharing and singing. We will go to that which will be a big outing for us.
Here at home there is hope so far this morning that I can actually go outside and snowshoe around without being blown off the face of the earth. Yesterday was spen
t inside doing numerous things that we want to get done before spring arrives and we are outside more than inside.Dear Dennis has been building a bookcase for upstairs. We changed around the upstairs somewhat to help organize it better and to make it more comfortable and welcoming to guests.I have spent most of yesterday going through old craft magazines trying to get rid of surplus paper. Two more file drawers full to go. Whew that is a job I really am not (this photo is our home in the summer)that into but it is like any mess after it is done you feel good and have a sense of accomplishment.
Both the sewing machines I have here are not working so my sewing projects that require a sewing machine are on hold until I can take them in a have them fixed.
I have the crocheting on puppets to finish up and I am going to pick away at an afghan for our oldest son's birthday~~I hope it is ready for then that is. He has wanted me to make him an afghan for years and everytime I think I am going to I don't have the cash needed to buy the yarn for it or I make a baby blanket or two. Hmmm~~anyways this is the year!! I have had the pattern picked out for it for many moons.
If any of you feel the need to pray for the brethren in our LORD's churches pray for their fervent love for each other that Peter gives as a command not an option will be evident. Pray for caring loving hearts towards each other and for the Pastors that have to shepherd these flocks.I think of a very old song/hymn? that used to be sung lots~~They will know we are Christians by our love, by our love ~~

Finally, all of you be of one mind,
having compassion for one another;
love as brothers, be tenderhearted,
be courteous, not returning evil for evil
or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary
blessing, knowing you were called to this,
that you may inherit a blessing.
1 Peter 3:8 & 9

May you experience the LORD's love
and pass it on to others. Have a wonderful


Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

How did both sewing machines end up being broken at the same time?

That is quite the picture at the top of your post. Must of been a scary moment for all involved!

Unknown said...

Hello! I stumbled upon your blog while looking for a place to pick wild blueberries this summer near Williams Lake. I hope you don't mind me peeking around! :) Your life sounds just wonderful! We used to live out near Horsefly (east of Williams Lake) and had many of the same experiences in the winter. Now we are in 100 Mile House and much closer to town. Your blog makes me miss being out in the wilderness so much! I will enjoy following your blog now (if you don't mind) and just want to thank you for your wonderful writing and beautiful descriptions!! I wish we could have been one of the visitors you had this winter. :)

God Bless you,

Gramma Roxanne said...

Hello Christy!
I do know where Horsefly is and 100Mile House too! I actually have a brother and his wife that have a ranch out of 100 M. Anyways yes you can peruse (think that is how you spell the word) my blog
Was going to send you a message on your blog but it won't let me. Okay will ttyl have a good week.