Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wolves, a tragic accident and life on the ranch

We went off to visit at another ranch past ours last night and view the new puppies. St. Bernard and Great Pyrenees cross pups so cute and soooo big. We stayed for a visit and they told us of the pack of fourteen wolves they had come out of the bush. They tried to scare them off with a gun but the one wolf just came at them and barked like a dog. They have never seen anything like it before. The rest howled in the background. These folks have the wolves coming up to their house all last winter. Somehow they want to cut the pack down. Hard work.
We got news late last night that an old time friend and relative of my grandfather's fell out of his boat yesterday afternoon as he was pulling a net full of salmon out of the river. the boat overturned and he fell in. They tried to throw him a rope but he slipped away in the fast current and they are still trying to find the body. The Skeetchetsn Reserve will be in mourning. I am not sure when they will have the funeral yet. Usually when someone is lost in hat river at that spot they do not show up till they reach the sandbars in Spences Bridge area and that would take about three days. Oh how sad~~
Well I can not stay on here as I am off to babysit for the next two days at my son and daughter-in-laws' as my daughter-in-law is moving our daughter and husband up here. So here is praying everything works out for all. What a buys time it has been. They still have many many days of haying on the other ranch that is part of this one. Our haying is done on this ranch but it is smaller only 320 acres here. The other ranch is over 1000acres so yes it is a lot of work

God bless all of you

1 comment:

Linda said...

Aww I heard about that on the news! Didn't know who it was, sorry it was someone close to you!My prayers are with his family and friends! Hope the move for you daughter and husband goes well! and no more tornados! lol