Chicks cheep and chirp beside me as I type away on here. I hatched them in a borrowed incubator so now have fifteen tiny fluffy little chickies. It is kind of late in the year but I didn't get the chance at an ncubator until late so that's the breaks, eh?
The last few days have been pretty nice and warm here. Blackflies are doing wonderfully well. The berry picking is fabulous. I have been able to pick wild strawberries and enough of them to freeze. Wild blueberries are just coming around and oh my are they going to be plentiful. Saskatoons grow wild here too so have lots of them picked and same with raspberries. In other words no shortage of berries. The rose hips are coming. Many large reddish ones and some are becoming quite a bright red. Although we have had some frost they really need to get hit with a heavier frost yet. Same with the blueberries but never fear as it will happen.
I have dried many wild herbs and still more to pick. Finding it hard right now to keep up with everything that is growing out there at the same time. Many of these plants and berries the bears enjoy too so I have to be on the lookout for them as well.
There are a few jars of saskatoon rhubarb jam done and a few apricot jam and just two very tiny jars of raspberry jam. Mostly I am freezing the berries for later on.
The evening is closing in on me here with ten hungry pigs to pack feed to and wash out their water trough yet. Chickens need their evening rations. There is wood to bring in and I would like to set the fire ready to throw a match to in the morning so I am not running around in the woodpile in barefeet and nightie gathering kindling ~~
I still have some dishes to do from jamming and making supper but what I really really would like to do is just sit and knit on the little sweater. I want to make two of them for our five year old grand-daughters. They are white with embroidered flowers on them. At least they will have embroidered flowers on them when they are done!
Things have been hopping around here with folks dropping in to say hello and use the phone. There is a big gold mine trying to set up back in the mountains so the first nations peoples are invited by the company to view the actual sites. Then there is going to have to be tribal meetings to talk about making deals. Our youngest son is working in the one closest to traditional areas in our part of the country. It is cold up there so thankfully our friend can take some warm clothes in when he flies in next week. It will all be very interesting.
I need to go for now get all this stuff I mentioned done instead of just talking about it. Would be nice if they had a button on this computer you could press and these things would get done. But until they invent that button I guess ~~it will just have to be traditional old fashioned hand done.
The sluggard craves and gets nothing,
but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.
Proverbs 13:4 NIV
Sweet Dreams to all
The black flies are doing quite well here too although they seem to be lessening in numbers.
It is good to read of your life there.
I have been fall cleaning all day. I hope to continue through the week.
Be blessed!
Love, CammyH
Hi Cammy I have apricots to can today but fall cleaning is started too. God bless you too Roxanne
The blackflies are back here for a second go round. We had a couple of frosts and then, today, it reached 87. The cattle have their faces covered in flies.
I'm so glad I found your blog, now I can be a pest here, too. :)
About the candle wicks-
I used cotton thread, the kind I crochet dishclothes with, soak it in 1 cup water, 1 tablespoon salt and 2 tablespoons of boric acid for about 12 hours. Cut three pieces 2" longer than your candle and braid them together. Seems to work just fine. I burned my tallow candle for a couple of hours at a time and didn't have a problem.
Nice to hear from you.
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