Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sewing and breadmaking are my main thoughts this morning. My tea cup is wanting refilling while the happy crackling fire throws its warmth throughout the rooms. Sometimes like this time I can not make up my mind just where I want to get started for the day. I could write you a list of all that is clamouring for priority place but I will spare you those gory details and suffice it to say that I am starting with the refilling of the tea cup. I think better that way. LOL
Daylight is c
oming to our part of the world showing trees, bushes, everything covered in hoarfrost. It is really pretty. Even though it looks a little on the grey side.
The moose have been eating the middles out of the huge round hay bales. Sometimes a mama and her large calf will stand in the hay-meadow and watch us up here at the house. They are getting that brave. There are times they are on the other side of the house nibbling at the willow bushes on the little islands. They like to truck themselves along the river banks eating willows as they go too.
I do not think I have any more work at the cafe really. The boss lady told me once a month for the next while~~I have s
o many things on the go now and coming spring and all I think we will be too busy for to go to work once a month there. That is quite alright with me!
In the meantime back at the ranch I have to go get working on some sewing. Finish up a little crocheting. Our one daughter and her husband are coming for supper tonight. We are looking forward to that. It does mean though that I have some things to do beforehand. It really doesn't matter which things get done first as long as it gets done.
There is bread and biscuits to make for to sell. I am thinking I will leave those till Wednesday and Thursday as we are going to town or close to it by Thursday.
A quiet, stil
l, or I should say incredibly still morning stands there awaiting for me to shatter the peace ~~

Seek the LORD,
and his strength:
seek his face evermore.
Psalm 105:4

God's Many Blessings Upon Your Day

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