Saturday, October 17, 2009

Home Just Off the Range

It is a rather grey day here at the ranch. At one point I thought it would snow but it is warmer now with a high cloudy sky. One rancher showed up and picked up his cow and calf pair that came over to our range and then came in with this ranch's cows. So she and her baby are back at their own home now. We had our neighbour from Trout Lake Reserve show up looking for his steer that was here but it left some days back and we have not seen it since. He told us there were a couple of cows of this places at his place. He is our closest neighbour in that direction and that would be around 14 kilometres. It seems like this time of the year everyone is trying to get their cows home and get them down to the sales at least the ones that are to be sold. It can be a tough time if they get there too late. Low prices ~~why oh why are we paying so much at the grocery store for beef when the ranchers are only getting under $1 /lb on the hoof. There is something wrong with this picture that is for sure.
My husband and sons and son in law are off making firewood for one of the sons. They will soon be done the firewood thing. That will be nice for them as it is a long hard day for the bunch of them.
I am home cleaning the house (really I am just on a break here) Our landlady has invited us over for supper this evening and tomorrow evening with friends of hers. That will be fun. This is just a short little update as I have lots to do yet this afternoon and I wanted to get back to my blog which I have rather ignored the last while so here is hoping I can get back on track.

as you want people to treat you
treat them the same way.
Luke 6:31
Have a really nice Saturday
God Bless Roxanne

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