Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bear Things

This photo is from a friend of ours ~it is four grizzlies swimming in Ootsa Lake BC
It is a cool morning here at just above the freezing point. Cows are grazing in the meadow, flock of crows is sitting on the old hay bales. Off and on they get squabbling over something. I hope this is just a family group that has been hanging out here the last while and not some indication of fall in the air. I love fall time I think it is my favourite season just not ready for winter yet. Nothing against winter just been a long winter this last one and kind of enjoying seeing the ground in greens and browns. Anyways not to think of winter at this point that would be just getting too way too futuristic!
Our garden is actually starting to be a garden again. Not a weed free garden but looks more like a garden. We have tomatoes in the green house that are getting a slight tinge of orange red to them. I can hardly wait to eat one of our own tomatoes! That will just be too fantastical! :)
Yesterday after being in and out of the house so many times I decided to go pick raspberries in a patch down by the garden. For some strange reason I walked over to a bone our dogs had in front of the rabbit cage. The rabbit cage is right beside the wall of the house out the kitchen porch door. Something about that bone had caught my eye. Looking at it there was a pile of bear droppings on it. Okay now that explains why one of the cats was tearing at the screen on our bedroom window trying to get in driving me crazy at 3 a.m. So now the poor doggies are on watch dog duty instead of lazing around all night under our bed.
We have a young bear that runs across the hay meadow everyday or almost everyday. A huge bear that crosses it whenever he feels like it. A mama bear with cubs and a mama bear with a cub. One of them was in our carrot patch in the last couple of days too. I still think bears in my garden are better than a friend of mine has in her garden~~copperhead snakes!! At least you can see the bears.
Today is Korean night in the village so am really looking forward to going there for supper. They come up once a year and do a culture sharing thing with the Reserve here. But everyone is invited to join in and eat supper there. They come up from the coast (Vancouver) and cook enough food for the whole community. There is Korean dancing and drumming etc. too They are a Korean Christian group. VBS is also held all this week down in the village. Very fun. I have never eaten Korean food so should be something especially when I am pretty traditional in my own food~~as in meat and potatoes, veggies, things like that.
In the meantime I am doing housework, weeding, gardening, raspberry picking when I can, baking, laundry, gathering some herbs,crocheting, and sewing. No boredom here. Hay is all in the stackyard and now it will soon be time to do the other ranch's hay.

The liberal soul shall be made fat:
and he that watereth
shall be watered also himself.
Proverbs 11:25

God's blessings upon you
Have a Beary good day


Elizabeth-Plain and Simple said...
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Elizabeth-Plain and Simple said...

It was nice to hear from you. I have been very busy and have not had much time for the internet lately but I am so thankful for the ability to do all that I have to do. My son is getting married here at home on the 12th of September and I am hoping things will slow down a little afterwards. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and watch out for those bears.


Lisa said...

bears...yep...can't imagine dealing with anything bigger than a wolf or coyote.
the normal fare around this part of Texas is "possum" sneaking the cat's food on the back porch!
Oh yeah....and skunks have been very plentiful & active this year for some reason. I can take a snake better than I can a skunk! Keep 'em away!