Friday, December 11, 2009

The Cat's Meow

I know it has been awhile since I last posted a few words on here so here is catching you up on our doings~~
The weather has been weathering no doubt about that bringing north breezes and pretty cool temps hovering around the minus 30 and 32 (celcius that is) We have had warm enough weather to have snow and have somewhere around a foot of snow. I do not know off hand without taking out a ruler what that is in metric cause I never really did learn metric and don't really care anyhow LOL There is snow and it is squeaky with it forming the snow dust on top from the cold. The trees look beautiful with it froze to them. I am thinking though that with the wind that is coming in this morning that maybe just maybe the trees will get a chance to shed the snow that is glistening off of their branches and has been for weeks. Must get rather burdensome for them after awhile.
The days have been full and busy. With inside chores and getting things made for Christmas which by the way I will not post on here as some of the recipients of these wild and crazy creations read this blog!! There has been outside chores to take care of too. The chickens are laying eggs like crazy which is a blessing right now to be sure and talking of blessings~~~
As most of you already know we raise pigs and butcher them and stuff them into our freezer~~and as most know that when one has to eat pork everyday it doesn't really matter after awhile how good the pork is~ it is tiring~So me being the person I am have been praying for some "different" meat to kind of break up the pork. We do have an old cow to butcher after Christmas but being the patient sort I wanted something besides pork BEFORE Christmas~~Well our LORD in His graciousness answered my prayers ~~now I have a huge cougar to eat~~OH MY!!! I am so glad rhinos and giraffes don't grow here (not that I would know if they are good to eat or not just not ready for that kind of different) or I would have to deal with them and YES I surely did get my DIFFERENT meat! Moral of this story be careful what you pray for or at least be more specific!
Work at the cafe/store is going fairly well and not too many people are being charged $75.00 a plate for bacon and eggs HEY they are good eggs hahaha or over $1000.00 for groceries which we probably don't even carry that much merchandise even with what is in storage. LOL Oh well so far everyone gets a good laugh and I am so slowly learning which keys to punch and when!
Apparently four wolves crossed the far end of our ranch so the nearest neighbours told us. They live eight miles or so up the road from us and saw the tracks when taking their children down to the village school. We haven't so far seen them near the house so that is okay with me too
Christmas is coming and things towards that goal are coming together. Grandchildren coming for the day Saturday and going to stay with their Auntie for the night it should be a busy week-end on Saturday as a potluck to go to that day too. If the weather isn't too cold on Sunday there is a horse drawn sleigh ride scheduled for that day. But it is weather dependent.It has already been cancelled once cause of the cold. We shall see.
I am off to do some wrist aereobics ~~commonly called knitting or crocheting.

The liberal soul shall be made fat:
and he that watereth shall be
watered also himself.
Proverbs 11:25

May the LORD put a little Meow in your Purr
God Bless Roxanne
Ps pass the mashed potatoes and the cougar please!

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