Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Fall brings all kinds of interesting chores to be done ~~Fencing is one of the many things that we have to do around this ranch. Our fencing is snake fencing which is done with logs. It is all done by hand sometimes a pickup is used to pull the logs to the fence. When the right size log is found it is put in place after first notching at just the right angle the log then lifted into place. It is very nice to have two strong good looking men to do this. I have lifted logs too but oh my gosh I do not have the strength of a man that is for sure!! There is a lot of fencing here. When you are working on it it really seems like it will never end. I suppose that is a form of job security. LOL

Much of the outer fence now is getting quite old
so next year will have to be replace. It was going to be this year's project for sure but we were flooded out most of the season. the year before was a huge forest fire. I think the only thing left to hit us now is an ice age!!

There are some remnants of old moose fencing here and there still around the ranch ~~I love this old fencing and hope to one day put some around my garden.Try jumping that !!It is a fence with the poles sticking up at angles to keep moose out. Cows and deer don't like it either and will not jump it. If they did the outcome would be critter on a stick! This kind of fencing is a little more work intensive but the good part is it takes poles instead of logs.

One mustn't forget the corrals and the shutes are all needing fixing too and the stackyard ~~So nope no time for boredom in the fall and seeing as we really won't be fencing this fall we will move onto the next part of fall work~~FIREWOOD~~but that will have to be another posting LOL

Let each of us please his neighbour for his good, leading to edification. Romans 15:2

Mya God's Word be your fence love Roxanne

Monday, September 12, 2011

Rodeo and More Rodeo

As the hats are off for the national anthem. The animals are ready and raring for action. After the grande entry comes the various events ~~sometimes it starts with Wild Cow Milking. A funny and wild full of action event where cowboys and even some cowgirls in teams of three try to rope and milk a cow and get back to the judges with at least a squirt of milk in their bottles. There is usually a steer thrown in for fun sometimes more than one. The teams rope and get dragged around the arena . Getting tangled with others ropes is not unusual.

Next there is usually barrel racing, Team roping. For some folks these are their main events for some it is the interlude to the rough stock. Rough stock being intermingled with the more gentlemenly events if bulldogging can be considered gentlemenly.Wild horse racing is an event that is full of action. Cowboys and horses everywhere. Horses kicking, biting, jumping high into the air with some cowboy (the header in this event) hanging on so that the rider can get on while the anchor man holds on tight on the end of the rope. Eventually the little steer riders come out. They are tough little guys and girls riding for all they are worth. Alternating between events with barrel racers and more team roping the rough stock makes its entrance. There is bareback riders and saddle-bronc riders and the bull-riders. Rodeo seems to get in folks blood~~Riders competing with their rides it seems at times. Crowd tense some cheering . Before you know it the whole show is over and if you somehow mangaed to get yourself injured in any of these crowd pleasing events be of good cheer as someone is sure to come up to you with a serious look in their eyes and those encouraging words on their lips"COWBOY UP"

So, don't be anxious about tomorrow.

God will take care of your tomorrow too.

Live ond day at a time. Matthew 6:34 God Bless Roxanne