Sunday, December 20, 2009

Twinkling Lights & Warm Fires

The little dug out basement is filling once again with its seasonal water. Off and on the sump pump makes its humming sounds as it merrily pumps water out to the great outdoors. With gumbboots adorned one can stoke the heater down there to keep the freeze off up here. The little stove in the kitchen burns a warm fire but not enough heat for the whole house.
The twinkling of the lights on our beautimous Christmas tree look so sweet especially when one looks out the window at the grey cold day out there.
Coldness seems to be the thing for this season of joy with the company of friends and family and neighbours dropping by it doesn't seem to be that cold ~~well not till you go outside anyhow!
The pork roast scents the air throughout the house. There is a community potluck this supper time and that and mashed potatoes and gravy will be our offerings. Should be a fun time to go to and see all before the big day.
Lately everyone that visits here has an opinion on whether or not Christmas gifts should or should not be a part of Christmas. Commercialism gets folks down. And the fact that nowadays most of us have children making way more money than the parents one feels overwhelmed with the thought of trying to buy their grown children something they can buy themselves~~me I think so what give them one less thing to buy maybe they can put their money in the gas tank and come visit or go visit someone or on a bill seeing as they all seem to have that plague. Really though presents are not the real part for me even though I LOVE to open gifts I love having my family and friends around more so and as for children all children love gifts and why can't we have a special time where they can receive gifts and have a pretty tree and all those things even if it doesn't have a lot to do with the LORD's birth or reason for coming ~~they can be taught those things and sooner or later they grow up too and the cycle starts all over. Anyhow this wasn't meant to be a posting on my views or lack of views on Christmas traditions I wanted to let all who read this know that I am thankful you took time to stop by Cariboo Corner and I am thankful for your friendship and your comments and I really wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas no matter how you celebrate it~~No matter when Jesus was born taking time out to recognize He came for us is the important part of the whole thing. So God Bless you and yours In the name of our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Cat's Meow

I know it has been awhile since I last posted a few words on here so here is catching you up on our doings~~
The weather has been weathering no doubt about that bringing north breezes and pretty cool temps hovering around the minus 30 and 32 (celcius that is) We have had warm enough weather to have snow and have somewhere around a foot of snow. I do not know off hand without taking out a ruler what that is in metric cause I never really did learn metric and don't really care anyhow LOL There is snow and it is squeaky with it forming the snow dust on top from the cold. The trees look beautiful with it froze to them. I am thinking though that with the wind that is coming in this morning that maybe just maybe the trees will get a chance to shed the snow that is glistening off of their branches and has been for weeks. Must get rather burdensome for them after awhile.
The days have been full and busy. With inside chores and getting things made for Christmas which by the way I will not post on here as some of the recipients of these wild and crazy creations read this blog!! There has been outside chores to take care of too. The chickens are laying eggs like crazy which is a blessing right now to be sure and talking of blessings~~~
As most of you already know we raise pigs and butcher them and stuff them into our freezer~~and as most know that when one has to eat pork everyday it doesn't really matter after awhile how good the pork is~ it is tiring~So me being the person I am have been praying for some "different" meat to kind of break up the pork. We do have an old cow to butcher after Christmas but being the patient sort I wanted something besides pork BEFORE Christmas~~Well our LORD in His graciousness answered my prayers ~~now I have a huge cougar to eat~~OH MY!!! I am so glad rhinos and giraffes don't grow here (not that I would know if they are good to eat or not just not ready for that kind of different) or I would have to deal with them and YES I surely did get my DIFFERENT meat! Moral of this story be careful what you pray for or at least be more specific!
Work at the cafe/store is going fairly well and not too many people are being charged $75.00 a plate for bacon and eggs HEY they are good eggs hahaha or over $1000.00 for groceries which we probably don't even carry that much merchandise even with what is in storage. LOL Oh well so far everyone gets a good laugh and I am so slowly learning which keys to punch and when!
Apparently four wolves crossed the far end of our ranch so the nearest neighbours told us. They live eight miles or so up the road from us and saw the tracks when taking their children down to the village school. We haven't so far seen them near the house so that is okay with me too
Christmas is coming and things towards that goal are coming together. Grandchildren coming for the day Saturday and going to stay with their Auntie for the night it should be a busy week-end on Saturday as a potluck to go to that day too. If the weather isn't too cold on Sunday there is a horse drawn sleigh ride scheduled for that day. But it is weather dependent.It has already been cancelled once cause of the cold. We shall see.
I am off to do some wrist aereobics ~~commonly called knitting or crocheting.

The liberal soul shall be made fat:
and he that watereth shall be
watered also himself.
Proverbs 11:25

May the LORD put a little Meow in your Purr
God Bless Roxanne
Ps pass the mashed potatoes and the cougar please!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Long Nights Moon

The moon shine was so beautiful last night and still beautiful this morning. Although I believe it is not actually considered full till tomorrow and some exact moment in time. It is full enough to my untrained eye to just be captivated by the beauty of it all. When standing out in the cold looking about oneself the snow has a blue silver look to it and you can see for a long distance it is so light out. the heavy snow that fell the night before still clings to the trees as there has been no wind and the temperatures stayed down enough that even though the sun shone it couldn't bring a melt enough to bring the snow down off the trees.
I am thankful that the sun shone and that it wasn't too hot or too cold as we sorted cows and calves most of yesterday. Not always the most pleasant of jobs but in weather that is cold with wind and snow whipping about you it is even more unpleasant. Yesterdays sorting though was steady work but at least it was straight forward and although extremely noisy with mamas bawling(more like roaring) for their calves and calves bawling for their mamas we got it done in time for afternoon coffee. Jean and I had chickory that she had grown in her own garden and roasted herself. I have to say it was the best chicory I have had in many many years. Now I want to grow some myself. I never realized it would grow here but I guess being like a dandelion it will grow just about anywhere. You just always seem to learn something new.
I am working away at Christmas presents and trying to get all of that done on time then get told that I will be getting a lot more hours at work. That is good financially but not so good for the home crafts. I guess I will just have to work harder and faster. No boring moments around this place that is for sure.
We have a cow to butcher too but she probably could use some graining and personal attention before actually butchering her. I guess that decision will have to be made real soon too as to grain her etc she will be brought from the Udy Creek ranch ot ours then we have to think of the butchering process itself cause then no tractor to lift and hang her from. I would like to feed her up somewhat as she is skinny but realize some of the other difficulties so my husband and the son that will orchestrate the butchering will have to decide what they want to do.
In the meantime I have to get some bread made this morning before off to work this afternoon and there is always crocheting sewing and knitting to do and lets not ever forget the housework and a chicken coop that has to be cleaned and fresh hay put in it.
There is a snoopy huge cat trying to get on my keyboard he likes to bite at my moving fingers I am going to throw him out in the beautiful morning moonlight so he can find something else to bite at.

I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart;
I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.
I will be glad and rejoice in thee:
I will sing praise to thy name,
O thou most High.
Psalm 9:1&2

God Bless