Monday, May 25, 2009

No Frost, No Snow, Fluffy clouds, Sunshine & above ZERO

After all the frosty and snowy mornings we have had lately this morning is the mellow, above zero morning! We decided last night not to light a fire in the greenhouse and see how the plants in there will do. I just went out and checked them and all are standing nice and tall and none are showing signs of shock from no heat. PTL!!
The plan for the day here is to make some meals and bread to take with us as we head to some friends' ranch about 45 minutes from us. We will be staying the night so we can
help sort bulls and cows and move cattle out to their range. Here at home we have to get the gate built for the new pig pen and my husband wants to fill in a some gaps in the logs so piggies can't escape.
I have transpla
nting to do too, today. I seem to work well under pressure.LOL! At least the laundry is caught up for the time being. It is hard to keep on top of it when one has to fight with the drainage system that almost doesn't exist. Glad we have an outhouse and the bathtub gets numerous scrubbings as the washer water comes up into their. Very interesting when our son was here helping with the building of the pig pen. He brought his laundry with him. He is a heavy-duty mechanic by trade and does lots of work with horses and cows(bulls). My bathtub smelled like oil!! And had this oily black film in it. Gross it did come out with some elbow grease. Elbow grease seems to cut machine grease at least at times. LOL The one grandson came out with his dad at one point and had his birthday supper with us.He stayed for a couple of nights too so that was really special. He had a blast here no boring moments that is for sure and we have a few less dead trees as he chopped them down with the hatchet I let him use.
Yesterday our daughter-in-law and family came bringing the childrens' friend with them. They didn't stay very long unfortunately but did have supper with us. Here is hoping the day will come soon when they can stay longer. But it is the same with us when we go to their place there is always these other things that have to be done and little time to do it in. Now that the weather is warming up though we should have a little more freedom to go some place a little longer and not have to worry about the fires going out. With the daylight lasting so long we don't have to worry too much about driving in the dark. Just have to maintain that awake at the wheel thing!
These dogs are wanting out and I have a Bible study lesson to finish up. The last one for this season until sometime in the fall. It has been a good study on 1 & 2 Peter and Jude. Talk about relevant for this day and age.

The LORD make his face shine
upon thee,
and be gracious
unto thee:
Numbers 6:25

Blessings in the LORD
to all of you

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What Season is it Anyways?

Woke up at 4a.m. to snow!! And it is still snowing~~it is now after 6a.m.
Our one son and girlfriend are on their way up to visit us and help to build a pig-pen. Will have to pray the rest of the week has better weather kind of hard to work in this yukky stuff.I think the weather report is for nicer weather over the next few days. This is just a reminder that God is Sovereign and He will pick the weather. I think it also makes us appreciate the sunny, warm weather when it comes! Even with the bugs it brings!!
Had a good visit with friends yesterday ~~Victoria Day. That was a nice way to spend a cold rainy day. Our greenhouse is holing up fine with all this c
old weather. That little barrel heater is just an awesome heater. We hardly have to stoke it. Put wood in it and it lasts for hours. Many hours. Praise the LORD for that!
All our extra dogs and the two budgies seem to be enjoying their stay here at the "Holiday Inn" LOL! That is good. Only one dog fight broke out between the two fixed males. But it was not too bad and neither of them got hurt. Although the old guy got a little stiffer but he seems to be okay otherwise.
Am really looking forward to this week and getting the pig pen built. Then we have to pray for the ability to buy the pigs oh and being able to feed them too would be good. Hungry pigs are not the pleasantest animals to have arou
Prayerfully we can get electric fencing around the bottom and the top of the fenicing. Keep the pigs in and the bears out!
We have quite a few bears this year of all different sizes. They are pretty hungry too. This has been a long winter for them. Seems like we see a lot of sows with triplets and twins. Last summer was just an awesome berry year. Must have been good for these girls!
But anyways we have to make a "quick" trip into town and get some kind of grub into the larder before our company comes. They like to eat too.
So I am off to do up some chores and get ready make the trip into town. Praying the roads won't be too slippery.

There are many plans in a man's heart,
Nevertheless the LORD's counsel,
that will stand
Proverbs 19:21

Praying in the snow

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dogs, Cats, and Birds

Dogs dot my living room. One old doggie on his pillow groaning always but having a good morning nap. One just came in from checking out the ranch and I guess it is still here. Three just made it out to see if the first one outside really did her job right.
One of the new to us kitties (fair size kitty) came to the door. Friendly fellow Not sure where the other one is but not too far away I am sure.
Horses standing with their faces buried in the round bale as the geese and the sandhill cranes graze in the hay-meadow. Humming birds humming at their feeder. When one steps outside the air rings with the sounds of many different birds singing their morning tunes. I love it!
The two budgie birds we are babysitting are still sleeping in their cage. Our cats haven't even realized they are here yet. I have them hanging on a hook in the kitchen.
Kind of a dampish morning here and a little chilly but no frost or ice this morning except on the river!
Sometimes I think it strange that folks can come out this way and they will say what do you do all day waaaay out here~~ The day here is so full of life especially this time of the year. And as for what we do all day~~it would be nice to have more hours to do what we do all day! And it is still light out here until between 9:30 and 10 pm. The morning light starts around 4a.m. so we have lots of daylight this time of the year to do what we do waaaaay out here. Love that~~
A rundown of a loosely organized schedule here is morning starts at 5 a.m. which I spend some time on this while drinking my morning tea. Then breakfast, make bed, do some quick tidying and Bible study lesson. Then out to do fencing for a few hours back up to the house to do the Bible study lesson over the phone (we live too far apart to go to each others homes) after that it is a couple hours of housework, baking, sewing, cleaning, and lunch and supper preps. When I finish that it is out to the greenhouse and into the wider outdoors working on the gardens and getting things organized to build a pigpen with my husband. We have one of our sons coming up soon to help build it so really what we are doing is clearing and getting the logs and rails together for the housing and fencing. Walking around the meadow with the dogs usually happens sometime in the later afternoon. They come with us in the morning when fencing too. Suppertime comes after which we carry on with some indoor projects or outdoor projects. It is sort of a "free time" when we work on what ever is needing our attention or something we want to do. Sometimes we even put on a video. By 9 or 10 pm I check my emails and a few things like that. Do a quick bit of evening chores like stoking greenhouse fire and the woodheater in the house for the night. Putting away things that need to be put away, some quick tidying, making sure the dogs have water and everyone is in bed (inside for the night) we have wolves and coyotes so don't usually leave the dogs out through the night especially when in heat. Then off to bed~~sweet dreams ~~Morning comes and the whole process starts all over again but always with some new adventure thrown in for interest. God is good!
That about sums up our day(s)!

A merry heart
makes a cheerful countenance,...
Proverbs 15:13

Bunches of Joy to you
Love Roxanne

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Simply Saturday and a Bear Story

Once upon a real time there was some neighbours who have sheep. They have cattle and horses too. One morning about midmorning the lady of the house, who by the way was home alone, could hear her sheep blaaaating away. Like a dutiful overseer and lover of her sheep she went out to see what they were all about making such a racket out there. Hmmm she thought where is my ram? So off she ventures following the sound of his blaaaating. Pushing open brush and looking here and there. Over to the next spot and pushing back the brush is face to face with a bear. He has the ram. He does not want to share and he is coming at her.Carefully backing up and maiking tracks for the house off she goes. Makes a quick phone call to her husband who is a long ways away at an auction. He calmly tells her to take the 22 and shoot at it but not to hit it. Good advice one thinks scare the boogers away. Well it might work for boogers but not so for this hungry bear. Back up to the house and call a neighbour who is some distance away. He comes but a very poor shot and bear comes at him. OOPs not at all what was the master plan so back up to the house to call another neighbour even further away. He comesthe bear getting rather annoyed by this time at constantly being interrupted at his dining comes at this friend. This friend is thinking enough of this nonsense. The End!
Here today the sun is shining the weather is quite warm. Below zero at 5 a.m. but now it is really warm. The greenhouse woodheater is going wi
th its newly made chimney. And the plants are in there. The cosmos went into shock a bit as they have not been that cold before so hoping they recover. All the seedlings were taking over my little kitchen up until now. The hope today is to get more done in the line of transplanting.
I do have to do some cleaning like behind and under my stove and fridge and clean out the big drawer that the flour is stored in. I can do that later.
Making tote bags is another thing on my agenda as I have an order for five of them and I do not know how much to charge for them. Thinking I will just double the cost of the materials sounds fair to me anyways.

The rich and the poor have this
in common,
The LORD is the maker of them all.
Proverbs 22:2

Have a Simply Wonderful Saturday

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Homemade Cinnamon Buns, Tea and Sandhill Cranes

My morning has been on the go for awhile now. I have been blessed with seeing the sky change its rosy coloured clouds that were suspended under the heavy grey canopy to a clearing sky. Last night's rain froze to the vehicles but it is melted now as I sit here typing away ~~eating my homemade cinnamon buns and sipping my tea.
I can hear the graaaaaking song of the sandhill cranes as they tell the world of their morning breakfast find in the large puddle in the hay-meadow. This couple seems to love that spot and are there most days and for a lon
g time through the day. The dogs don't bother them which is nice. They seem to have adjusted to the takeover of birds here.
We saw our first little black bear of the season. Others have seen bears here and there but we had not seen any here yet.We know they are around but not actually spotted. Beautiful little guy. Nice shiny coat. Shy though~~which is fine with me.
A day of baking and sewing ahead for me. there is also a load of firewood we want to get. I have plants that need transplanting too so am hoping to get that done. Although the heater is now set up in there we still need a little more stove pipe so not sure whether to transplant there yet or wait till we make another trip into town and buy said stovepipe.

Yesterday was a nonstop day with Bible study (over the phone) cleaning and baking bread and cinnamon buns. I trade these for things like stewing chicken and eggs. I have more to make today so that when we do go to town I can sell them. One dozen cinnamon buns I am making for friends as a gift as they are always blessing us with something or other.
I have a pretty denim tote bag I am almost finished too that I am hoping to put the cinnamon buns (the gift ones) into.
In the meantime my life is centred around finishing the Bible study, the numerous birds that come in here, helping my husband with getting logs for another greenhouse and rails for fencing and gates. Going for long walks, sewing, knitting, crocheting, baking, and the ever on going housecleaning. That is my life and I do enjoy it! I love to challenge myself to see just ho
w much I can get accomplished in a day.
I have been asked to make a couple of tooth-fairy pillows too so will have to add that to my sewing this day. Shouldn't take too long to make those.
Well, my friends, my cinnamon buns are all "et up" and the tea cup is half ways gone and needing some refilling.

And now, dear children, abide in Him,
that when He appears,
we may have confidence and not be ashamed
before Him at His coming.
1 John 2:29

May you be a Blessing in His Sight

Monday, May 4, 2009

Church?~~I'd be There if I had some Underwear

Well you know some of the strangest things happen when you aren't home. Take for instance church meeting yesterday evening: all of us were comfortably sitting in the Pastor's living room, everyone in a mellow congenial mood. Watching the Pastor's youngest daughter starting the fire in their little wood heater. Someone mentions bob and I pipe up with "where is Bob?" Hilda is sitting next to me and in her quiet, heavy, Carrier accent, with a funny smile on her face said oh he's not coming tonight~~ OOH why not ~~she looks around the room and up at the ceiling well someone broke into his house and stole all his clean clothes and all his clean underwear so he won't come cause he can't wash any of his dirty clothes before church.Imagine they stole his clothes and he isn't even dead yet! (he is a young man by the way in good health just an Indian joke) someone asked if they left his dirty underwear and comments on who would steal Bob's dirty underwear. and so a night of praising the LORD begins everyone thankful they have clean clothes and all feeling sort of sad beneath the giggles for poor Bob!
We are busy here with spring type things. Trying to get another greenhouse built and a gate or fix the gate that needs fixing desperately. Hauling dirt and made a raised bed for strawberry plants. The usual everyday chores. Things like that.
Our river is really rising. That means the snow up high is starting to melt too.
I have some sewing to do yet today too.
We have some hamburger which is a BIG treat for us. My plan is to make a meatloaf for supper this evening. Mashed potatoes and peas (I only have a can of canned peas but I guess it will just have to do) Nothing left in our larder for a salad and I didn't start any sprouts so there aren't even those to eat as a salad. I can make pickles be the salad though and all will be great!
I have all these celery plants coming up that need to be transplanted and just discovered you can just freeze them chopped up and thrown into a bag although the recommended way is to chop them and lay them out on a cookie sheet. They will be soft when thawed but are good in soups, stews, chilis and so on.
I need to go work on cleaning out a couple of my kitchen cupboards now tha I am inside. They have stuff spilled in them.

but grow in the grace and knowledge of
our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ.
To Him be the glory both now and forever.
2 Peter 3:18

In Christian Love Roxanne

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Meanwhile Back at the Ranch!

The frost is sparkling away in the morning sunshine and the smell of toast is filling the morning air in here. It is going to be a lovely day weather wise once it warms up. Killed my first mosquito of the season, yesterday. We get a warm day without gusting winds and out come the mosquitoes. Oh happy day!
Am excited that our garden has thawed out and dried up so anytime now we can get it plowed and prayerfully by the long week-end of this month we can get planting. In the meantime I am fixing up the greenhouse. Have the last old bunny moved out of there and in a cage which she seems to be enjoying looking around at new things to see and watching the dogs and cats and birds while she munches away on her hay or feed. It's all good!
We have plans to haul dirt from some friend's place later today and before that it will be housework and getting things done outside. There is so much suddenly that needs to be done it is almost overwhelming.
We hope to get some more firewood done for our daughter-in-law and family before the next trip to town too and there are rails to cut for the new gate we have to get built. The pigpen area is free of snow, ice, and mud. So that means we can start knocking down trees for building the pigpens and shelters. Most of the trees there are dead from pinebeetles. Then there is the greenhouse which I have been working on since removing the last bunny from it. I have all their nicely dug tunnels caved in and smoothed out so we can add new dirt to it when we bring it home.
I think we can keep ourselves occupied and out of trouble for a little while anyhow. LOL!
That about sums up where our life is at these days. Enjoying the long, long days now as it is still light enough to chop wood at 9:30pm. That is so cool.

The LORD is righteous in All His ways,
Gracious in all His works.
The LORD is near to all who call
upon Him,
To all who call upon Him in truth.
Psalm 145:17 & 18

Praising the LORD